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From the REDD+ Safeguards Working Group (RSWG)

Providing daily analysis on forest and land-use issues at the UN climate change negotiations, COP20 Lima, 1-12 December as at all UNFCCC sessions since 2009.  Our experts, attorneys and campaigners are available for background and interviews.  ** Further report to come this afternoon after close of SBSTA REDD+ contact group.*

CONTACT: Don Lehr, / US mobile: +1.917.304.4058 or Purple Romero,  Follow us on Twitter: @reddsafeguards

Developments from Thursday 4 December

Nothing has been agreed on additional guidance for REDD+ safeguards, and all substantial elements of Wednesday’s draft text have been removed.  Most developing countries, in particular Brazil and Panama for the Coalition for Rainforest Nations, strongly reject that there is a need for further clarity on safeguards.   Developed countries, in particular the EU, US and Norway, say further guidance on safeguards reporting would increase confidence for financing REDD+ implementation.

Statement from Nils Hermann Ranum, Rainforest Foundation Norway

“Holding a COP in one of the world’s biggest rainforest countries, we had expected an outcome that would help protect forests and secure the rights of Indigenous Peoples.  We had hopes that Peru would stand up for the world’s forests and take a leadership role to achieve a REDD+ agreement.  Those aspirations have been dashed.”

Today’s Meetings

11:00-12:00, Room C4-Talara: SBSTA Informal consultations on REDD+ (closed to Observers and Press)
12:00-12:50, Room C4-Talara: SBSTA Informal consultations on REDD+ (open to Observers and Press)
12:50-13:00, Room C4-Talara: SBSTA Contact group on REDD+ (open to Observers and Press)


– REDD+:  Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation
– SBSTA:  Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice

Definition: REDD+ Safeguards

– Indigenous peoples and local communities must be protected (e.g., livelihood security)
– Biodiversity must be ensured (e.g. enhanced ecosystem resilience through increased biodiversity)
– Governance improvements (e.g. strengthened tenure/use/access/management rights)
– Adopted in 2010 by COP16 (Cancun) in decision 1/CP.16 (paras 69, 71[d] and 72).

Developments from COP 19 (Warsaw, November 2013)

The 2013 Warsaw Framework for REDD+ (Decision 9/CP.19 through Decision 15/CP.19, pages 24-43) resolved several contentious issues in relation to measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) and results-based finance, providing a positive signal to countries on proceeding with their REDD+ activities.

There is unfinished business, however, on REDD+ Safeguards.  Additional guidance is needed including an agreement on the types of information to be provided through safeguards information systems (SIS).

The Warsaw Framework (Decision 12/CP.19, para 2, p. 33) requires that countries should provide periodic summaries in national communications about how all the safeguards are being addressed and respected throughout the implementation of REDD+ activities.

The Warsaw Framework (Decision 9/CP.19, para 4, p. 24) obligates countries to “provide the most recent summary of information on how all the safeguards… have been addressed and respected before they can receive results-based payments.”